Friday, October 7, 2011

~ updateupdateupdate ~

the semester break is here peeps
now is the time to rilex and recharge
gonna start dieting back and pumped more iron into the body
gotta look good for 2nd sem kan
hope so

in case ur wondering
the1st sem was hectic yaw
packed schedule and fast learning
rasa rasa i can keep up kot 
to add salt to the wound
budak budak degree start enrolling back in uitm
luckily by the time they checked in 
it is like nearly the end for ASASIANS
there were no more classes
but only exams to get through before the hols
exam pun exam laa
janji we gotta have fun afterwards

starting to miss the rooms
that i used to hanged around
missing the roommates
even roommates from next door and next next door
my room is clearly to chill out moderately
meanwhile nextdoor was my study room
but the next next door was my gaming room
awesome friends made and awesome memories gained
looking forward for the 2nd sem
but let me chill out first k ;)
adios amigos